Amazon satellite internet ‘Project Kuiper’ begin to deploy in 2024 Amazon satellite internet ‘Project Kuiper’ begin to deploy in 2024 - PINOYTECHGALLERY | Philippines Tech News, Games & Reviews

Amazon satellite internet ‘Project Kuiper’ begin to deploy in 2024


 Amazon’s two prototype satellites for its planned ‘Project Kuiper’ satellite internet network are off to a great start with 100% success rate in various testings while in orbit.


Within 30 days since launch of KuiperSat-1 and KuiperSat-2 in October, Amazon says, “Every major system and subsystem on board the two prototypes… demonstrated nominal or better performance.”


These tests allowed them to demo 4K video streaming on Prime Video, two-way video calls, and ordering items on Amazon website over the satellite network.

Following the success of these prototypes, Amazon says Project Kuiper is “on-track” to begin mass satellite production, aiming full-scale deployment in the first half of 2024. Beta testing for select customers commences later in the year.

Vodafone and Verizon are reportedly the first telecom firms to test the service during beta. Public release for select areas is initially set in 2025.

Amazon plans to deploy 3,226 satellites over the next six years to for Project Kuiper’s initial satellite constellation design.


Expected internet plans include a Standard, Pro, and Portable versions. Standard is good for small households offering up to 400Mbps; Pro fits enterprise with up to 1Gbps speeds; and Portable provides up to 100Mbps,

Amazon asserts its goal of “providing fast, affordable broadband to unserved and underserved communities around the world” through Project Kuiper. Thus, we can expect lower prices than that of its rival Starlink—Elon Musk’s own satellite internet service through SpaceX.

Starlink has launched over 5,000 satellites in low Earth orbit since 2019 and SpaceX plans to expand the current number to a staggering 12,000 satellites.

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